
Why can’t we simply be us

Why do people always want

you to be someone else

someone you are not

to put on a mask like them

one for each occasion

play the game of lies array

the winner takes it all

so many falsehoods told

they don’t know

who they are anymore


Being true and real

the lone voice in the crowd

threatens them

so they trample you

strangle your spirit

but I will be me

I don’t know how

to be someone else

someone I am not

I don’t want to be

I only know how

to be me

I like being me

At least I am not fake

No mask to take off before bed

Struggling to remember

which to put on for when and whom

You cannot kill my spirit

Change my essence

You may call the shots

outwardly be successful and rich

wear pretty dresses and immaculately made up

have youth and beauty on your side

know how to put on a good show

but you are just an act

inside you are shallow and hollw

You cannot make me feel bad

I won’t let you

As Eleanor Roosevelt said

No one can make you feel inferior

without your consent

I refuse to play the game

Read your lines

Use your props

Be the sidekick of your double act

I quit

About cho wan yau

Teacher by day poet/writer by night. Words have been my first love and will be my last. As a child I locked myself into the toilet devouring books which transported me to distant lands. Poetry shared penned from 2009-2010 in a titanic struggle to stay sane at Heartbreak Hotel. Please check it out on chowanyau@wordpress.com. Any comments or feedback welcome. Why not share your story with me, because we all have one, don't we?

Posted on March 24, 2014, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Why What ?
    Why You ?
    Why Now ?
    Why Worry ?
    Why Not ?
    Why Cho Wan Yau ?

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